NLHS Digital Speaker Series- The 100th Anniversary of the RCAF – Presented by Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny

The North Lanark Historical Society Speaker Series is honoured to present The 100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force: Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future presented by Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny, Commander of the RCAFLieutenant-General Kenny has been Commander of the RCAF since his appointment on August 12th, 2022. Prior to this appointment he has served in a variety of roles within the RCAF. We are very privileged and excited to have Lt. Gen Kenny share his knowledge with all of us. Please join us to celebrate the RCAF centennial.

 The talk will  be taking place Wednesday November 20th at 7 PM at the North Lanark Regional Museum located at 647 River Rd in Almonte.

To ensure a seat, please reserve at the link below, all are welcome!

If you are unable to attend this talk in person and would like to attend via Zoom, please email the museum at and we will send you the link.

For any questions or concerns please contact us at 613-257-8503 or

We hope to see you there!


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